An educational metaphor that resonates with me is, “education is a journey.” In my past, I have encountered both challenging and successful times in my learning, but reminding myself that it’s all part of the journey has been incredibly helpful. This metaphor is highly accurate for me because my mistakes have played a significant role in shaping where I am today and have been crucial learning experiences. As a hands-on learner, I find it essential to experience concepts firsthand to truly grasp them. Consequently, throughout my academic journey, I have gained and retained many valuable lessons.

Starting from my early days in school, I have continuously built upon the lessons I’ve learned, celebrated my milestones, and learned from my missteps. I have equipped myself with various learning tools and resources to support my educational process, including teachers, textbooks, online materials, classmates, and educational technology.

In essence, the metaphor “Education is a journey” emphasizes that education is not just a means to an end but rather an ongoing process of exploration and self-discovery.

I chose this activity since I think it’s important to recognize your educational journey and what it includes. This activity aligns with my goal for critical thinking skills of analyzing, evaluating, reflecting, communicating, creativity and synthesizing information.


Lakoff, G. & Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphors we live by. University of Chicago Press.

Watters, A. (2014) “The Future of Ed Tech is a Reclamation Project” in The Monsters of Education Technology.